Shito-Ryu Karate-Do Genbu-Kai International
848 North Parton Street
Santa Ana, California 92701
☎ Call (714) 543-5550
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About Santa Ana Dojo

(Ages 2-5 1/2)

This program focuses on skills that develop concentration, respect, discipline, coordination and other core values in young children that will go with them beyond the dojo.

(Ages 6-14)

We make it clear that in our junior classes (boys and girls combined) our overall purpose is to build character through discipline and self-confidence. Therefore, many of the Karate techniques deemed dangerous are not taught in this class. The young people are instructed to defend against punches, holds, and grabs. But, foremost, they are instructed in good attitude and manners. Most parents notice a difference in poise, agility and confidence after a short time has been spent in training. Hundreds upon hundreds have trained at this school, and in almost every instance their attitude, respect and social life has been enhanced. We also have a special "little karate kid" class for children under six. The students learn some of the same karate techniques as older students, but also enjoy an energetic opportunity to exercise. These younger students are also helped to understand the ideas of listening to instructions and doing things in a group - important skills.

(Ages 15 and over)

Most everyone high school age and over (our oldest members are over 70) is assigned to the adult class. Classes are held at least five times a week and members may attend as often as they desire. The first three months beginners may go one hour per day. As students go up in rank, they are offered more advanced opportunities to train. People of all ages and backgrounds, both sexes, and of every kind of physical ability enjoy the training.

All of our instructors are carefully chosen, first for their ability in this Art, and, equally important, for their dedication and proficiency in teaching. Our policy of exchange students and instructors in which Japanese experts visit our group and our members make frequent visits to schools in Japan, bears out this fact. Southern California has various studios and types of Karate. Some are highly respected and others are of questionable merit. For this reason, Mr. Demura has made sure that the instructors of this school are among our best black belts, who are completely reliable and qualified to teach the best methods possible.